Agnus Castus

What is Agnus Castus?
Agnus castus also known as Vitexis an herbs that has been used since prehistoric times as a remedy for mostly female concerns. One of its properties was to condense sexual desire and it has been recorded that Roman wives whose husbands were in a foreign country used to spread the aromatic leaves on their couches for this purpose. It became known as the chasteberry tree. During the middle ages, Chasteberry’s hypothetical effect on sexual desire made it turn into a food spice at hermitages, where it was called Monk’s pepper or Cloister pepper.
Benefits of Agnus Castus
Agnus castus has been long known to heal so many of the health related problems. It has been used since centuries to reduce sexual drive in women whose husbands were living abroad. It has a number of dynamic uses which include:
-    It is used for treating hormonal acne that is normally associated with menstrual cycle
- Â Â Â It also aids the treatment of Amenorrhea, Catarrh, Cholera, Colic, Diarrhea, Dysmenorrhea and Dyspepsia
- Â Â Â It is used in the treatment of ear disorders, endometriosis and female infertility
- Â Â Â It has also been reported to treat fever, fibrocystic breast disease, headaches and malaria
- Â Â Â It is used in the treatment of menopause, various heart diseases, liver disorders and hemorrhoids
-    It has helped women in overcoming menstrual difficulties, nausea, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatism, various skin diseases, certain types of ulcers, and worms
- Â Â Â It has been extensively used in controlling and regulating female reproductive system
- Â Â Â It has been used to aid the birth process and make it less painful
- Â Â Â It has been known to offer several therapeutic effects
- Â Â Â There has been 60% marked improvement reported in PMS symptoms in females consuming this herb
- Â Â Â It aids in reducing anxiety, depression, insomnia and nervous tension
- Â Â Â It also has helped sustain good level of milk production in women on breast feeding
- Â Â Â It can also help infertile women because of the ability to decrease excessive prolactin levels
- Â Â Â It has been considered the best herb to treat fibroid cysts of the uterus and endometriosis
By : Natural Health News