Summer Skin Care – Some Important Tips And Tricks

We all know it’s not easy to look fresh and beautiful in summers because you have to use minimum makeup. You cannot hide your problem skin such as blemishes, rosacea, redness or other skin issues because all the makeup is going to melt down due to intense summer heat. You should be extra cautious about your skin care during summers. Since you sweat a lot during summers there are chances that you end up getting more acne because of open pores caused due to sweating. Once the sweat is out the dirt and grime goes in through those open pores to cause skin inflammation resulting in more acne. Here are some important summer skin care tips and tricks that you can follow to achieve flawless complexion that doesn’t need layers of makeup to cover your imperfections.
- Drink approximately 2 to 3 liters of water
- Eat a lot of summer fruits such as melon, watermelon, guava, papaya etc. Since you sweat a lot during summers there are chances
- Spray cold rose water every 30 minutes or one hour to keep the pores closed
- Keep your body temperature well-maintained; not too low and not too high
- Wash your face immediately after heavy sweating or at least thrice everyday
- Always wear sunscreen and use an umbrella when you go out
- Wear clothes that are lighter in color or the ideal choice would be to wear white colored clothes throughout summers
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By : Natural Health News