Porphyria Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Porphyria?
Our body needs porphyrins for the normal functioning of hemoglobin. Increased levels of porphyrins tend to lead great problems. The medical term porphyria is a group of disorders which occurs due to the accumulation of natural chemicals responsible for making porphyrin in our body.
Chiefly, porphyria affects the skin and nervous system. Its symptom varies, depending upon the particular form and severity. The treatment of prophyria depends upon the type you are suffering from. Even though, porphyria is incurable, yet, specific lifestyle changes can greatly help manage its symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms Of Porphyria?
Porphyria is categorized into:
- Â Acute porphyria: the category includes types of disease that affects your nervous system.
- Â Cutaneous porphyria: it includes types of disease that affects your skin due to over sun exposure.
Common Symptoms Of Acute Porphyria Are:
1. Vomiting.
2. Diarrhea or constipation.
3. Extreme abdominal pain.
4. Palpitations.
5. Insomnia.
6. Pain in the back, legs or chest.
7. Restlessness.
8. Mental changes for example paranoia, hallucinations or confusion.
9. Anxiety.
10. Abdominal distention.
11. High blood pressure.
12. Seizures.
13. Brown or red urine.
14. Breathing difficulties.
15. Muscle weakness, pain or paralysis.
Common Symptoms Of Cutaneous Porphyria Instigated By Over Exposure To The Sun Are:
1. Itching.
2. Blisters.
3. Fragile skin.
4. Erythema and edema.
5. Brown or red urine.
6. Scars.
7. Increased hair growth.
8. Sensitivity to sunlight.
What Causes Porphyria?
Usually, porphyria runs in families, where a child receives an abnormal gene from a single or both the parents. Though, in few of its form, environmental factors are considered for instigating its symptoms.
What Are The Risk Factors Of Porphyria?
Females have high chances to develop porphyria as compared to males. Reason being, the condition is associated with the menstrual cyscle. However; individuals with a family history of the disease are indeed at an increased risk of porphyria. Following attack may also source the disease:
- Â Smoking.
- Â Dieting.
- Â Stress.
- Â Alcohol consumption.
- Â Infections.
- Â Drugs.
What Are The Complications Of Porphyria?
Few complications porphyria can lead are:
- Â Breathing difficulties.
- Â Dehydration.
- Â Hyponatremia.
- Â High blood pressure.
- Â Chronic kidney failure.
- Â Liver damage.
- Â Permanent skin damage.
How Is Porphyria Diagnosed?
During your visit, the doctor will ask regarding your symptoms. Moreover, he or she will need details of your family and medical history. He will also conduct a thorough physical exam. In order to test the bodily waste and fluids, the doctor can suggest:
- Â Urine tests.
- Â Stool tests.
- Â Blood tests.
How Is Porphyria Treated?
The treatment of porphyria aims to ease the symptoms; however what treatment plan is best for your case depends upon the form of porphyria you are suffering from.
Treatment Of Acute Porphyria
- Its treatment aims to prevent potential complications and provide fast relief from its symptoms.
Treatment Of Cutaneous Porphyria:Â
- Objective of its treatment is to reduce the levels of porphyrins and ease your symptoms.
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By : Natural Health News