Snoring Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Snoring ?
If for some reason, the breathing of an individual is partially obstructed while he or she is asleep, then he/she may produce harsh sound, called snoring. At times, snoring tend to signal towards an underlying health condition. Indeed, the condition can make your partner irritated and annoyed.
More specifically, it is the shaking of respiratory structures which occur because of the obstructed air movement while you breathe. In order to stop snoring, lifestyles changes may greatly help. These changes include:
- Sleeping on the side.
- Avoid drinking alcohol while you are about to sleep.
- Losing weight.
Moreover, few other options such as surgery and medical devices can also help in reducing the snores. Though, the options are not appropriate for all who snores.
What Are The Symptoms Of Snoring ?
Clearly, depending upon the trigger, signs of snoring can include:
- High blood pressure.
- Choking or gasping at night.
- Restless sleep.
- Chest pain (night time).
- Sore throat.
- Difficulty to focus and concentrate.
- Sleepiness at daytime.
- Noise while sleeping.
- Hoarseness while you are asleep.
What Causes Of Snoring ?
A number of factors can result in snoring, these include:
- Anatomy of mouth.
- Alcohol consumption.
- Sinuses.
- Sleep apnea.
- Nasal problem.
- Allergies.
- Your weight.
- A cold.
While an individual fall asleep and progresses into a deep sleep, his throat, tongue and soft palate relax. In addition, tissues in the throat may relax to an extent of blocking the airway partially. This causes vibration.
What Are The Risk Factors Of Snoring ?
Factors known to increase the chances of snoring are:
- As compared to women, men are at a greater risk to develop sleep apnea or snore.
- Overweight individuals are more probable to experience obstructive sleep apnea or to snore.
- Few individuals can have adenoids or large tonsils. Such can narrow their airway, resulting in snoring. Same is with the people with soft, long palate.
- Family history of obstructive sleep apnea or snoring put you at an increased risk of snoring.
- Consumption of alcohol is also known for raising the chances of snoring as it relaxes the throat muscles.
- Individuals with a structural defect in the airway are more prone to snore. For example a chronically congested nose or a deviated septum.
How Is Snoring Diagnosis ?
For diagnosing, the doctor will need details about your symptoms and complete medical history. He or she will also carry out a physical exam. Furthermore, the doctor will inquire regarding how and when you snore from your partner. This will help him determine the intensity of your problem. The doctor will also suggest the following:
- Imaging tests.
- Sleep study.
- Polysomnography.
How Is Snoring Treatment ?
Few lifestyle changes can help. However, if your condition has failed to respond lifestyle changes, then the doctor will review any of the following treatment options:
- Oral appliances.
- Continuous positive airway pressure.
- Palatal implants.
- Traditional surgery.
- Laser surgery.
- Somnoplasty.
By : Natural Health News