
What is Lemongrass?
Lemongrass is an herb that comes from a plant native to India, Cymbopogon citratus. It is a part of the true grass family, Poaceae or Gramineae. Lemongrass is grown for its lemon-scented foliage used in cooking. It is a coarse and tufted Herb Plant with linear leaves that grows in thick bunches, emerging from a strong base and standing for about 3 meters in height with a meter-wide stretch.
Lemongrass Herbs, also spelled lemon grass, is also called Lemon oil oil grass or sweet rush. It may be identified as West Indian lemongrass which tells where the plant originally grew. It requires warm temperate or tropical conditions to grow. Lemongrass is a tall perennial grass that grows three to five feet tall. Like other grasses the leaves are narrow, linear and pointed at the tips. The stems are yellowish-white and the leaf blades are gray-green. When left to grow to their full extent, the leaves softly arch over giving the plant a shrub-like appearance.
It is considered an herb. It has a lemon scent and taste. Lemongrass is used in cooking for its pleasant taste. In Jamaica, they call it Fever Grass. I don’t mostly like the word fever as I think I might get one, it’s just not appealing of a name. Keep reading my articles and you will find out the medical health benefits of Lemongrass Healing Herbs and cooking purposes, but for now I am just informing you about it for health benefits.
Benefits of Lemongrass
- Lemongrass helps in cleansing and flushing harmful toxic wastes out of the body, as a consequence of its diuretic properties.
- Lemongrass is used to treat sore throats, laryngitis and fever and helps stop increasing of infectious diseases.
- Lemongrass is a big source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C which are necessary nutrients for beautiful skin and hair.
- It clears up your skin, treats oily textures and also works on treating outbreak like acne, pimples and eczema.
- Lemongrass tea is considered outstanding for women’s health. It provides relief from hot flashes and helps in dropping menstrual pain due to its soothing effect.
- You can also utilize lemongrass oil to alleviate pain in muscles and joints, also as headaches resulting from a cold or the flu.
- It helps the passing of body fluids flushing out harmful toxins.
- Lemongrass is used as a natural insect repellant and helps in preventing the occurrence of insect-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and Lyme disease.
- Lemongrass herb helps to alleviate muscle spasms or sprains by relaxing the muscles, which in turn reduces the pain related symptoms.
- As a solution, lemongrass comes with helpful nutrients contained in it. Besides, lemongrass contains citral which helps to prevent the obesity.
- Lemongrass oil is an expensive component in beauty products, perfumes and as fragrances for soaps and insect repellant’s
- It helps to stimulate the bowel function and prevents Diarrhea and nausea as well. Consuming lemongrass is suggested as it offers you the better defense from any access of bad pathogens.
- Not only to fight the depression, but lemongrass is moreover beneficial to deal with anxiety and get better the mental health. Even, if you regularly feel less confident, then consuming lemongrass might help you a lot.
- Due to the presence of sedative properties, lemongrass is helpful to treat insomnia. It will calm the muscles and nerves which induce the deep sleep. Furthermore, as lemongrass contains citronella, then it is beneficial to help the good quality of sleep as it has the calming effect.
- The anti-pyretic and diaphoretic effect of lemongrass is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for curing fevers by inducing sweating.
- A hot combination of lemongrass, tulsi leaves and cardamom is as well a common herbal cure for cold.
- Lemongrass helps treat arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, gout and other types of joint pain.
By : Natural Health News