Genital Herpes – Men’s Health Transmitted Infection

Genital Herpes
This sexually transmitted infection genital herpes is very common in males and females both. It is characterized as sores, itching and pain in the genital area. People with genital herpes may not have any visible symptoms, however if infected, the person tends to be contagious regardless of no apparent sores.
Genital herpes is caused by HSV- herpes simplex virus. Clearly, the virus primarily spread through sexual contact. After the virus strikes for the first time, it becomes latent in the body, though, can reactivate again!
Sadly, genital herpes is incurable; however drug can help ease the discomforting symptoms. Moreover, they will also minimize the chances of infecting your sex partner. Condoms can also prevent the virus transmission.
What are the symptoms of genital herpes?
Many individuals infected by HSV may not even realize they have genital herpes as they have very mild or say no symptoms at all! In case present, then the symptoms include:
- Itching or pain.
- Tiny pus blisters or tiny red bumps.
- When such blisters tend to rupture, and bleed or ooze, formation of ulcers occur.
- When ulcers heal, formation of scabs takes place.
You may feel pain while urinating due to ulcers. Tenderness and pain can also be experience in the genital area. Throughout the initial outbreak, one may faces flu-like symptoms for example fever, muscle aches and headache.
What causes genital herpes?
Genital herpes is triggered by two herpes simplex virus infection types:
- HSV-1: the type causes fever blisters or cold sores around the mouth. Recurrence is less frequent.
- HSV-2: genital herpes is more commonly caused by this type. The virus tends to spread by skin-to skin and sexual contact. The type is more common than the other and is very contagious.
You cannot get infected by using objects, towels or toilet which is used by someone infected, as once the virus releases a body, it dies instantly.
What are the risk factors?
You are more likely to get infected in case:
- You are a female.
- Have many sexual partners.
Discuss the complications genital herpes can lead?
Few linked complications include:
- Rectal inflammation.
- Meningitis.
- Bladder problems.
- Newborn infection.
- Risk of contracting or transmitting other STI (sexually transmitted infections) for example HIV.
How is genital herpes diagnosed?
Some lab tests and a thorough physical examination can help you doctor diagnose genital herpes. Lab tests include:
- Polymerase chain reaction test.
- Viral culture.
- Blood test.
How is genital herpes treated?
Sadly, genital herpes is incurable, however prescribed antiviral drug can help ease symptoms, reduce its recurrence frequency, help heal the sores quicker in the initial outbreak and reduce the chances of spreading the virus to your sex partner. Certain antiviral drug you doctor can prescribe include:
- Valacyclovir (valtrex).
- Famciclovir (famvir).
- Acyclovir (zovirax).
- Restrict your sexual partners.
- Avoid having sexual activities with an infected partner.
- Always use a latex condom in all sexual contacts.
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By : Natural Health News