
What is an Herb?
Herb can be defined as it is a part or a plant which is used to give flavor to Food or can also be used as a medicine for improving your body health. The Healing Herbs are used to improve digestion and intestinal gas production. All parts of the Herb Plants are used as food, medicine and spice.
What is Angelica?
Angelica is an herb plant. It is a root, fruit and the seed. It grows up to six feet tall or can be around 180 cm. its root is thick branches or fleshy with many different small rootlets. Its flowers are yellow with a hint of green and blossom from July to august. It consists of three parts and every part produce three serrated and lobed leaflets. Angelica is self fertile like the organs have both male and female organs which are pollinated by insects. It is also known as abortifacient. Angelica is also used for treating ejaculation as compared to other herb plants. It is very good herb for women and children. Anglican herb plant contains vitamin B12, thiamine, sucrose, potassium, iron glucose and many other minerals.
Benefits of Angelica
Following are some Benefits of Angelica which are perform different functions regarding your heath.
- Angelica contains many chemicals like safrole, linleic acid and valeric acid. All these chemical make it useful for the treatment for different illness.
- A powder made from angelica dried root is also used for athlete foot like pesticide and insecticide.
- Its crushed leaves are also good for gout, broken bones and swelling.
- Angelica infusion is also used as gargle for mouth sores and sore throats.
- It is also used for wind, colic, coughs and cold.
- Angelica infusion is also used to improve symptoms of urinary organs.
- It can be used in baths to make potpourri and relaxation.
- Angelica tea is used for improving appetite by stimulating stomach activity.
- Angelica tea is used as tonic which is used to restore vigor and vitality after illness.
- Angelica decoction can also be used for face wash to prevent and control acne breakout.
- It can help to develop distaste for alcoholic breviaries by regular intake of angelica root.
- It also improves blood circulation by strengthening the heart which gives benefits to hands, cold feet and chilblains.
- It is also used for regulating menstrual cycle and for controlling discharge.
By : Natural Health News