Muscle Groups Explained Here

There are different types of muscle groups which are important when you are doing aerobic exercises because you have to manage each muscle group on day to day basis. Also, you must have heard your gym instructor talking about some technical names; that this and this muscle group will be focused on Monday and Tuesday, and this and this muscle group will be touched on Wednesday and Thursday, and so on and so far. So, for your convenience we have listed here some of the technical names of these muscle groups and what they are exactly so next time you can communicate with your instructor like a pro!
Technical Name | What are they |
Biceps | Front of arm |
Brachialis | Front of upper arm, forearms |
Triceps | Back of arm |
Deltoids | Shoulders |
Sternocliedomastiod | Neck |
Trapeziuz | Upper back |
Pectorals | Chest |
Intercostal | Between the ribs |
Erector Spinae | Lower & middle back |
Paraspinal | Back muscles |
LatissimusDorsi | Back |
Obliques | Sides of trunk |
Rectus Abdominis (abdominals) | Front of the abdomen |
Gluteus Maximus ((gluteals) | Buttocks |
Adductors | Inner thighs |
Hamstrings | Back of thighs |
Sartorius | Inner thighs |
Quadriceps Femoris )quadriceps) | Front of thigh |
Rector Femoris | Along front thigh |
Gastrocnemius | Back of calf |
Soleus | Back of lower calf (combines with gastrocnemius to form Achilles tendon) |
For diagrammatic presentation of these muscle groups please click here.
By : Natural Health News