Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Cancer?
It is the term that is used for certain diseases. In such diseases, the cells divide abnormally whilst have the ability to attack other tissues. Sadly, these cancer cells may spread to your other body parts through your blood plus the lymph systems. Additionally, cancer is many diseases rather a single one. There are over hundred different types, whereas many are actually named for the cell type or organ in which they begin.
What are the Symptoms of Cancer?
Symptoms will greatly vary depending upon the body part which is affected by cancer. Few symptoms that are associated to this disease are:
• Weight changes, such as unintended gain or loss.
• Fatigue.
• Thickening area or lump which is noticeable under your skin.
• Changes in bladder or bowel habits.
• Hoarseness.
• Persistent cough.
• Skin changes. (Yellowing, redness or darkening of skin, worsen sores).
• Unexplained, persistent night sweats or fevers.
• Unexplained, persistent joint or muscle pain.
• Persistent discomfort or indigestion after eating.
• Difficulty swallowing.
What is the Cause of Cancer?
It is caused due to mutation changes to the DNA, which is found within the cells. DNA, contains instructions for the cell regarding how it must grow or divide. Furthermore, errors in such instruction allow the cell to turn cancerous.
What are the risk factors?
Certain factors that may increase the risk to develop the disease are:
• Growing age: since cancer may take certain decades for developing, that is the reason why mostly individuals diagnosed with the disease are sixty five or above.
• Habits: particular lifestyle choices such as excessive drinking or smoking can increase the risk of developing cancer.
• Family history: A tiny cancer’s portion is because of the inherited condition. However, if in your family, the disease is common, it’s likely that the mutations may be passed on from the previous generation to this.
• Health conditions: Few chronic conditions related to health for example ulcerative colitis, noticeable increase the risk to develop particular cancers.
• Environment: harmful chemicals in the environment increase your risk to develop cancer. Chemicals present in your workplace or home for example benzene and asbestos are also linked with the risk to develop cancer.
What are the complications?
The treatment of cancer or cancer itself can cause few complications such as:
• Pain.
• Fatigue.
• Nausea.
• Difficulty breathing.
• Constipation or diarrhea.
• Weight loss.
• Nervous system problems.
Cancer Diagnosis
Few approaches used to diagnose the disease are:
• Physical exam.
• Laboratory tests.
• Imaging tests.
• Biopsy.
Cancer stages: in case you are diagnosed with cancer, the doctor will now work to find out your cancer stage. This can help determine the suitable treatment option for you, and your chances of cure. For this reason, your doctor may conduct imaging tests, for example X-rays or bone scans, to check whether the disease has spread to your other body parts.
Cancer Treatment
For treating cancer, nowadays, doctors have numerous tools. Treatment options for cancer include:
• Chemotherapy.
• Surgery.
• Radiation therapy.
• Stem cell transplant.
• Biological therapy.
• Targeted drug therapy.
• Hormone therapy.
Today, the survival rates for cancer are considerably improving for numerous cancer types, thanks to the advancements in cancer screening/treatment.
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By : Natural Health News