Brucellosis Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Brucellosis?
It is a bacterial infection which is transmitted from infected animals to otherwise healthy people through unpasteurized dairy products including cheese and milk. Quite rarely, the bacteria can spread via air or direct contact with animals.
Its symptoms can include fatigue, joint pain and fever. Often, brucellosis is effectively treated with antibiotics, though treatment can take few weeks to even months.
One can minimize the chances of contracting brucellosis simply by consuming pasteurized dairy products. It is also important to take safety measures before coming in contact with animals, specially infected animals.
What Are The Alternative Names Of Brucellosis?
Brucellosis is also known by the following names:
- Mediterranean fever.
- Malta fever.
- Gibraltar fever.
- Undulant fever.
- Cyprus fever.
What Are The Symptoms Of Brucellosis?
Acute brucellosis tends to start with flu-like sigs, or symptoms including:
- Fatigue.
- Excessive sweating.
- Chills.
- Back pain.
- Abdominal pain.
- Weight loss.
- Weakness.
- Loss of appetite.
- Joint pain.
- Headache.
- Fever.
Some other symptoms that can also emerge include:
- Swollen glands.
- Muscle pain.
Brucellosis can be chronic, persisting for years.
When Is the Right Time To Seek Medical Assistance?
Do not delay to call up for an appointment with your doctor in case of following situations:
- One has developed the symptoms of condition.
- Symptoms turn worse.
- Symptoms are not responding to the treatment.
- New symptoms have emerged.
What Causes Brucellosis?
Brucella, the bacteria can infect pigs, dogs, camels, goats and cattle. In case of coming in contact with the infected placenta or meat of an infected animal, the bacteria can transmit to humans. One can also contract brucellosis by eating/drinking unpasteurized cheese or milk.
What Are The Risk Factors Of Brucellosis?
Even though, brucellosis is rare, yet veterinarians, farmers and slaughterhouse workers are at an increased risk of brucellosis.
What Are The Complications Of Brucellosis?
Few complications brucellosis can lead include:
- Meningitis.
- Infective endocarditis.
- Encephalitis.
- Joint and bone sores.
How Is Brucellosis Diagnosed?
During the visit, the doctor will perform a thorough physical exam. He will ask you to detail regarding your symptoms. In case of doubt, the doctor will ask you to brief your diet. Following can help confirm its diagnosis:
- CSF culture.
- Clean catch urine culture.
- Bone marrow culture.
- Blood culture.
- Culture and biopsy of sample from affected organ.
- Serology for brucellosis antigen.
How Is Brucellosis Treated?
Usually, brucellosis is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics also help to prevent the infection to recur. In case of complications, the patient may need extended course of therapy.
What Is The Prognosis Of Brucellosis?
Relapse is common, whilst symptoms can persist for years. Symptoms of brucellosis can reappear even after years of illness.
Consuming pasteurized dairy products can greatly help prevent brucellosis. Individuals who handle cattle and meat must wear protective clothing and glasses. Vaccinations are available for animals, thus, it is important to get the cattle vaccinated.
By : Natural Health News