Which Herbs and Supplements Should Men Take for Better Health?

Herbs And Supplements
Herbs and supplements are natural remedies that can be used to promote good health in both men and women alike. However, some herbs and supplements have been specifically used in the past to boost the health of men, such as ginseng and saw palmetto. We look at some of the most popular herbs and supplements that may help men improve their overall health today.
Fish Oil
Evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation throughout your body. Inflammation plays a role in many health conditions, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease.
Saw Palmetto
This supplement is touted as an alternative to Finasteride, a prescription medication taken by men with enlarged prostates. In studies, men took 320 mg of saw palmetto daily. Some studies found significant improvement in symptoms such as nighttime urination and flow rate of urine, but other trials have been less convincing. There isn’t enough evidence to make any strong recommendations about saw palmetto herbs and supplements just yet; most evidence is from small trials involving fewer than 50 participants who all had enlarged prostates.
Vitamin D
Since vitamin D is produced in our bodies through exposure to sunlight, its levels vary seasonally. Deficiency during winter months can cause us to develop weaker bones over time. If you’re not supplementing your diet with vitamin D. It’s important to schedule a few days each week where you get some direct sunlight. This will allow your body to produce more of its own vitamin D rather than relying on herbs and supplements or fortified foods.
Men may have different nutritional needs than women. For example, men lose more magnesium through their urine due to increased levels of a hormone called parathyroid hormone that regulates bone health. Men are also less likely to consume high-magnesium foods like leafy greens, lentils, nuts and seeds, which means they need more magnesium from food or supplements. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) levels of magnesium are 310 milligrams per day for men between ages 31-70. Some studies indicate that men may benefit from even higher intakes of over 400 mg/day (the upper tolerable limit is roughly 500 mg/day). The best sources include: pumpkin seeds, cashews, quinoa, flaxseeds, almonds and brown rice.
Ginger, Turmeric, and Other Spices
There are plenty of Herbal Care Products that you can use to boost your health. Turmeric is one powerful spice that’s been known to promote better men’s health. It contains a compound called curcumin, which has antioxidant properties that may help fight against heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and cancer. A 2010 study from Oxford University found that men who took daily herbs and supplements of turmeric had lower levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a protein associated with prostate cancer. Another popular herbal supplement is ginger root. Men have used it for years as an aphrodisiac; in recent years research suggests it could be useful in treating male infertility problems due to its ability to increase blood flow to tissues including the penis.
When you think of herbs, chances are you immediately think of plants that have medicinal value. This is true, but there are also a number of botanicals that are used solely for cosmetic or beautifying purposes—and people spend plenty of money on them! Luckily, there are a few excellent natural herbs and supplements made from herbs that can give men’s health a boost.
Check out some top-rated herbal supplements here. In general, taking vitamins and minerals won’t cure any disease. If you’re feeling run down or in poor health, your doctor may recommend taking a daily multivitamin. As a preventative measure against developing chronic conditions like heart disease or cancer later in life. Home Remedies for Hydrocele : The hydrocele is an accumulation of fluid around one or both testicles caused by a blockage of lymphatic vessels within the scrotum. While hydroceles are often painless, if left untreated it can lead to problems with fertility. Fortunately, many home remedies exist that can help clear up a hydrocele quickly and naturally without surgery.
Chromium Picolinate
A mineral supplement that plays a role in blood sugar management. One study found that men with a higher intake of chromium picolinate had lower levels of testosterone than those who did not consume it. It’s likely that if you’re consuming sufficient levels of testosterone, you won’t have to supplement with chromium picolinate. But if your T-levels are low, supplementing with chromium picolinate may help normalize them. As always, talk to your doctor before taking any herbs and supplements, especially if you have an existing health condition.
Probiotics for Gut Health
If you’re a man, there are many natural ways to improve your gut health, infect Buy Best Herbal Supplements Products and apply it. One of these is through probiotics. Probiotics help replenish healthy bacteria in your gut, which can improve digestion and help you stay healthy. They also keep harmful bugs from taking up residence in your digestive tract, which could lead to all sorts of issues ranging from gas and bloating to more serious problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Getting probiotics into your system regularly might be one of the most effective ways for men to stay healthy and avoid expensive doctor visits down the road. So don’t just take a one-and-done approach with your probiotic regimen—make sure that every day is Probiotic Day!
Green Tea Extract
Green tea is teeming with antioxidants, which help to improve immune function. Studies have shown that men who drink green tea regularly have a lower risk of developing certain cancers. Green tea is also full of catechins, nutrients which may reduce blood pressure in men by as much as 10 percent. Look for a supplement with at least 40% EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), one of green tea’s active compounds.
Ginkgo Biloba
If you’re looking to boost your brain health, you can start with Ginkgo Biloba. This herb helps improve blood flow in order to deliver more oxygen-rich blood to your brain, thus making it better able to keep up with whatever mental tasks are thrown at it. Many people find it most effective when they take a Ginkgo supplement daily, usually between 30-60 minutes before taking on a mentally demanding task or challenge. You can buy these herbs and supplements in either liquid or capsule form. Note: Those suffering from gingko allergy should avoid taking it, especially if allergic reactions have occurred previously upon contact. If that is not the case then side effects may include headache, dizziness, stomach irritation and diarrhea.