Dermatographia Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Dermatographia
It is a skin condition wherein a minor scratch turns into a reddened, swollen welt, just like a hive. Such marks tend to disappear taking around twenty five minutes. What causes the skin condition, is unknown till date, however possibilities that are considered to contribute include certain medications (penicillin), emotional upset or infections. In case the symptoms become troublesome, the doctor can suggest allergy medications for example diphenydramine.
What are the symptoms of dermatographia?
Certain symptoms associated with the skin condition are:
- Itching.
- Welts like hives.
- Inflammation.
- Swelling.
- Raised pinkish-reddish lines.
The above mentioned symptoms tend to appear for few minutes after your skin gets scratched or rubbed. They get disappear within twenty to thirty minutes. Quite rarely, it develops more gradually, lasting for few hours to few days. Dermatographia, the condition tends to last for some months or even years.
When is the high time to consult a doctor?
In case of experiencing troublesome symptoms, consult your doctor.
What causes dermatographia?
What exactly causes the skin condition is unknown till date; however it may be triggered due to an allergic response, though no particular allergen is identified by the doctors. Few simple things also tend to cause the signs of dermatographia. Such as rubbing from the bed sheets can irritate the skin. At times, the condition is leaded by medications (penicillin), emotional upset or infection.
What are the risk factors of dermatographia?
The condition can occur regardless of any age, however it is more commonly observed in young adults and teenagers. In case of having some other skin problem for example dermatitis or dry skin, then you are more likely to develop dermatographia. Moreover, any type of skin condition which increases the urge of scratching increases its risk.
What are the complications of dermatographia?
Generally, the skin condition has no complication in the long run. Moreover, dermatographia leaves no permanent marks, whilst often cause mild symptoms.
How is dermatographia diagnosed?
A simple test can help a doctor diagnose the condition. By drawing the tongue depressor right across the arm’s skin, the doctor will check whether or not the appearance of welt occurs.
How is dermatographia treated?
Generally speaking, the symptoms of the skin condition resolved on its own and thus needs no specific treatment. Though, in case the condition is troublesome and symptoms are severe, the doctor can prescribe antihistamine medications for example cetirizine or diphenhydramine.
In order to prevent and minimize the discomfort linked with dermatopgraphia, consider the following tips:
- Avoid sharing your personal things such as towel, comb and clothes etc.
- Keep your nails trimmed.
- Always keep the skin moisturized as a dry skin increases the urge to itch more.
- Hot baths and showers will worsen your symptoms.
- Irritating the skin can further worsen your symptoms thus avoid harsh soaps. Wear comfortable and relaxing clothes of cotton material and not of itch fabric for example wool.
- Avoid scratching your skin as it will worsen your symptoms.
By : Natural Health News