Amblyopia Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Amblyopia?
Amblyopia, also known as ‘lazy eye’ tend to occurs when either the eyes or both fails to develop a normal sight during the early childhood years. Amblyopia is basically caused when your brain uses a particular eye comparatively more than your other eye. Since, the eye which is not equally taken in use, results in not developing clear visions.
Babies learn using their both eyes all together specifically in their first few initial months. Furthermore, their brains tend to have the ability of taking the images receiving in from their both eyes, it actually ‘medge’ those images into one. Generally, it is called ‘normal two-eyed sight/vision’ or ‘binocularity’.
Children, those suffering from amblyopia, do not learn such way. However, at their early age, their brain takes in the image receiving from a single eye only while blocking the other. Such blocking is known as suppression which affects the vision sharpness developing normally.
What are the Causes of Amblyopia?
Generally, there tend to be three prominent causes of the condition.
• Deprivation: deprivation amblyopia occurs in case there is some problem with an eye, for example cataract. Thus, the child is ‘deprived’ of the crystal clear sight in that eye.
• Refractive: such type of amblyopia is caused due to a considerable difference between each eye vision because of farsightedness, nearsightedness or the imperfection on your eye surface (astigmatism).
• Strabismic: is the very common cause to trigger lazy eye. It is basically the muscles imbalance which is directly responsible for eye positioning.
What are the Symptoms of Amblyopia?
Symptoms of amblyopia includes
• Poor vision particularly in an eye.
• inability of judging the depth accurately
• eyes- do not seems working together and
• Eye- wanders outwards or inwards.
What is the Prognosis for Amblyopia?
Children those get treated earlier five years of their ages, usually tend to recover almost normal vision completely, though may face problems related to depth perceptions. Permanent sight problems can result in case of delaying the treatment of amblyopia. Partial sight recovery can be actually expected after the age of ten.
What are the possible complications?
• The effected eye can lose vision permanently.
• Several surgeries for eye muscle problems can have certain complications.
When is the high time to see a medical professional?
In case you suspect sight problem in your young child, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.
What are the risk factors?
The condition tends to hereditary. It is more expected to develop among children with very low birth weight or born premature. Babies of the families with the history of serious eye disease or childhood cataracts are indeed at a higher risk to develop the condition.
How is Amblyopia Diagnosed?
After a thorough eyes examination, the condition can be easily diagnosed. Usually, no particular tests are needed.
What is the Treatment of Amblyopia?
Normally, the treatment of the condition starts in the early childhood. Depending on the degree and cause due to which the vision is actually affected, the treatment options tend to include:
• Eye patches.
• Corrective eyewear.
• Eye drops.
• Surgery.
By : Natural Health News