Advance Strength Training Exercises – Part I

Here are some strength training exercises for those who have mastered strength training exercises that are usually performed in the beginning of strength training workout regimen or until 5 weeks from the date started.
Here are some advance strength training exercises that will help you build your stamina way more than an ordinary person or someone who just started working out. These are for experts and dedicated people!
Posture Type: Advance Lunges
Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals
Recommended Level for Beginners: Advanced
How to do it?
Follow All These Steps Of Regular Lunges First:
- Begin from the primary position
- Breathe in as you take a step forward with your right foot
- Bend your left knee and lower it towards the floor, as far as is comfortably possible
- Breathe out as you draw your right foot back and stand upright
- Each set should have 8 to 10 reps
- Repeat the same with the other foot
- This time perform lunges while carrying a pair of dumbbells by your sides, palms facing inwards
- Repeat the same on the other side to constitute a set
Posture Type: Advanced Squats
Muscles worked: Quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteals
Recommended Level for Beginners: Advanced
How to do it?
Follow All These Steps Of Regular Squats First:
- Begin from the primary position
- Rest your hands on your hips
- Breathe in as you bend your knees and slowly squat down
- Your posture should be as if you are sitting on an imaginary chair
- Do not let the squat go beyond seat height
- Breathe out as you stand up
- Keep your arms outstretched or
- Carry a pair of dumbbells at the level of your shoulders, with palms facing inward
- Repeat to complete a set
Posture Type: Upright Rows
Muscles worked: Trapezius, deltoids and triceps
Recommended Level for Beginners: Advanced
How to do it?
- Begin from the primary position
- Dead lift a barbell to the front of the thighs
- Your hands should be 4 to 6 inches apart
- Breathe out as you draw the barbell up to your chest, as high as is comfortably possible
- Keep the bar close to your body
- Hold briefly
- Lower to resting position
- Repeat to complete a set